01Welcome to REMAPEST

We offer a variety of pest control services by minimizing the use of pesticides but have a maximum impact on pests in your environment. Environmental protection and health are our main focus as we control pests until their population is near zero.

02Our Services

Our collection of services works in handling all types of insect pests in a professional manner



Kategori Layanan kami khusus untuk perumahan, cluster, fogging massal, program DBD Warga dan lainnya


Kategori Layanan Kami khusus untuk segmen COMMERCIAL, seperti hotel, restaurant, kantor, kafe dan apartemen


Kategori Layanan Kami khusus bidang UMKM, INDUSTRI, system Audit, Standarisasi dan pelatihan


Kategori Layanan Kami khusus bidang instansi pemerintahan, BUMD, BUMN, sekolah, kampus dan lainnya.


Kumpulan testimoni dari konsumen kami

Hampir Tanpa Keluhan dan bisa di telp 24 Jam. Sejak kami memanggil jasa Remapest, (Termite control) hampir tanpa keluhan. Mutu, kualitas pestisida dan kecepatan respon keluhan.


Pondok Gede

“We have had a major Termite problem for years I own a house that’s on a slab foundation and I use to use another company that could never get rid of our Termite. I finally called REMAPEST and the first time was a charm.

Sabine G.

Glen Brita C

“REMAPEST was great. I had an ant problem recently and heard they had done some work at a friends house. I called and they responded quickly. They were in and out and did a great job at the right price. I will definitely use them again if I have another issue.

Nirmala Guenther

– Pejaten Raya

“REMAPEST telah melayani Industry Makanan saya selama lebih dari lima tahun dan saya jujur tidak akan menggunakan jasa lain. Mereka sangat berorientasi layanan dan memiliki staf yang sangat baik dengan sempurna perhatian terhadap detail.

Lawalata Karunia

Cikarang, Jawabarat


Some description text for this item


Kumpulan artikel dan berita dari Remapest

06Call us

We would love to hear from you. info@remapest.com

    I agree that my submitted data is being collected and stored.

    PT RESIK MANDIRI (Remapest) adalah perusahaan “LEGAL” layanan pengendalian hama dengan para stafnya yang sudah berpengalaman selama bertahun-tahun di bidang pelayanan jasa pengendalian hama di seluruh Indonesia.


    Head Office : Menara Palma Lt.12 Blok X2 KAV. 6 Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan 12950 – Indonesia
    Telp.: 021-29305699

    Operational Office :
    Jl. Jeruk Purut Raya No.51, RT.4/RW.3,
    Cilandak Timur, Pasar  Minggu,
    Jakarta Selatan 12560
    Telp. : 021-22780985

    WA : 0877 0006 0099 (Hotline Service 24/7)

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